Session Description

Supervision is an important skill many student affairs professionals must learn through practice. Often times, new professionals enter their first full-time position, and are expected to supervise those within their office/department. During this panel discussion, five new professionals will share their experiences moving into roles that involve supervising undergraduate and graduate students and full-time staff members. Throughout this interactive conversation, participants will have the opportunity to ask panelists about their experiences, supervisory styles, and recommendations for best practice.

Professional Competencies:

  • Advising and Supporting
  • Organizational and Human Resources

Presented by: 

Nick Malendowski, Eastern Michigan University, Lauren Feldman, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Steven Feldman, Indiana University - Bloomington, Blanca Moncada, San Jose State University, Taylor Moore, Virginia Tech, Julie Townley, Clemson University

Registration Rates

  • ACPA Individual Member - $10
  • ACPA International Member - $5
  • Non-Member - $20

Note: All participants must complete their own webinar registration.

Registration Policies

In order to qualify for member rates for an ACPA2GO webinar, membership with ACPA must be valid through the scheduled webinar date. You must have your own individual membership. ACPA Members who purchase an ACPA2GO webinar registration understand their membership needs to be active through the scheduled webinar date. If it is not active prior to the start of the ACPA2GO webinar you will not be provided with the link to access the ACPA2Go Webinar unless you renew your membership or pay the difference between the non-member and member registration cost.

ACPA2Go registration purchases are final. Registrations can be paid by check, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. All fees must be prepaid. Purchase orders are not accepted. ACPA reserves the right to charge a service fee of US$50 for returned checks. Registrations are non-transferable. The webinar may be canceled or postponed due to insufficient enrollment or other unforeseen circumstances. In this case, the fees will be fully refunded.

ACPA2GO: Student to Supervisor: A New Professional’s Guide to Supervision & Management

Register Now

  • Tuesday Apr 22 2025, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM